Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So far so good..

I met with the accounting manager yesterday. I plan to meet with the logistics and quality control heads before the weekend. It was a good meeting. I think the interpersonal interaction between us is the key task to get a good impression that we are focusing on their needs. It is only the critical purchasing manager who is the problem. I received more requests from him yesterday. Look like he is piling up his requests to keep us really busy in the coming months. Or as a moving target as well.

I had a difficult conversion with Philip and the development team yesterday. A change request done last February had problems. So I decided to hold the request until we get an authorization from an appropriate manager to approve the modification requested by Philip. I think it was the first time that I publicly disagreed with Philip in front of the developer. Although the meeting was done via a phone conference and was civilized. I did not want to do it but my hand was forced. I think I need to patch up with Philip by communicating more with him.

The session with the accounting manager went well and we traded stories. I told him of the coming meeting this week with our global head scheduled this Friday. He is doing his presentation in Thailand, Japan and China before coming over. He is with our regional boss. I think we may expect some announcement from him regarding the company re-organization. Also on Friday, we will be having an informal meeting with the human resource head and regional boss in the afternoon. It is meant as a sharing session to understand our concerns and issues. I think it is an attempt to keep our morale up for those who were not retrenched. We will soon find out.

The meetings and interactions with the managers, Philip, the development team and myself will determine how we will succeed this year especially in reporting our progress to the boss man. The coordination between these actors and the resulting way we structure and organize our work and coordination between us needs to be effective and efficient. At least the way forward is now a bit clearer including the prevailing atmosphere in the office due to the retrenchment exercise. So far, signs indicate that there will be no significant impact in our department as well as the other service centers.

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