Sunday, March 18, 2007

Job Offer?

During the meeting the boss man made some strange comments that after a few hours after the meeting made me think. It seems that he brought out a job offer on the table for the meeting participants to consider. Or at least that was what it seemed to me when I started to think about these comments. I brought out my views to my friend in that company who is in a senior position. He seems to agree with the ambivalence or vagueness of the comment that it could a job offer as well. But he pointed out that the three other people in the room seem to be qualified for the new job that the boss man is thinking of.

I believe the offer came due to certain circumstance in his company as well as the events happening in my own. It seems like he is throwing a lifeline to my rival and I? Perhaps it is another over imagined situation with my thought playing it’s usual games. But the boss man gave a specific time frame where we need to talk to him, which is next week when he makes his decision. It can also mean an offer for Philippe to jump at the job and move in the world. In this scenario, I will be happy for him if he does because it will be a step up. In case he does not get the job, I think I will express my wish for the job as well only if Philippe declines.

The self-help book I am reading proposes the use of a value tool to try and list down the series of things where I state my values and the other members of the team who work with me. So here goes:

1. Increase the training if my staff by scheduling training for them
2. Empower them and allow them to express their views and initiatives
3. Encourage them to be more expressive and proactive
4. Limit my role and avoid micro-managing
5. Allow contributors like Philippe to shine as well
6. Upgrade my participation as a leader to chart the direction and provide leadership
7. Explain the goals or direction clearly and aligned to company directions

This is an interesting exercise and the first time I have contemplated on how to improve others instead of just myself. I think the challenge is how I can be proactive and manage a team instead of just myself.

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