Thursday, April 19, 2007

Snake's protegee (sp)

The meeting went well yesterday on the S project. The boss man was in a good mood. My former supervisor - the snake's protegee (sp), his staff - the princess and I were in the meeting. We cleared up a lot of things. It was good because the princess and sp finally admitted to the boss man that they have resource problems. I think he finally realized the issues. What is also important is that the S project is moving along, the proper attention is given and, more importantly, we showed that we have the attitude to continue plodding along.

The sp, true to his nature of being the snake's protegee, proposed that the I should not be in the loop. I did not take it personally and I am glad that the boss man did not take his suggestion. Now the sp knows that I still am in the confidence of the boss man. But the fact that sp would propose what I think is a silly suggestion and the princess, who I considered my friend, would even suggest it is quite surprising. But I should not take it personally because he feels that it would improve the process.

The boss man will be travelling next week and he will be not around in the coming months so he requested a meeting next Monday to review our proposals. I am glad that the sp and the princess attended the meeting because they are now committed to the delivery of the project. I hope that the boss man still thinks I can provide value in the work. This is the key word in the whole thing which is to provide value. The value I provide I think is that I can be relied upon to deliver the project. I can stick in there despite the pain and humiliation so to speak and keep plugging along. In other words, being a good soldier.

I attended a good seminar last night with some sections in providing value to the company. This people are considered indispensable because they either increase sales or cut cost. I don't know if I fit in the equation except to cut costs by doing the projects which help the business. Another important concept which was explained last night is scalability. This allows one to multiply value a hundred times. This is an interesting challenge on how to multiply value in an office environment. Let's see what I can think off in the coming days.

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