The day started with a call from Asia about my former project. There was an issue that could not be solved. After discussing the problem via chat and phone, the issue was fixed. It made me anxious that they would call me in the early morning though actually the problem was just fixed by re-starting a server. It just needed calmness and common sense. The real issue is personnel. The person I was training for the past 2 months has left the company. It's a difficult situation over there since the transition is still ongoing. I am glad the issue was resolved and I had a chance to chat with the support lady from India. She is fun to work with and she will play a key role now that the person I trained is gone.
We had a meeting in the morning and it went well. I did not participate too much and left after the meeting. Most of the team members stayed including my boss but I felt that I did not need to stay and there was a momentary awkwardness that I think I handled well by leaving. Sometimes I think that some people think that I will take away work from them after arriving here. After the meeting, I struggled for most of the day trying to complete the document I was working on since last week. I finally was able to finish a draft by the end of the day. I spoke to my boss and told him to review the document and he was in good spirits. He apologized for not spending a lot of time with me but I understand as he has been away on vacation.
I also worked on the house loan papers. I got a call from the loan processor and she sent me some documents to sign. We reviewed it together on the phone and I signed everything. I faxed them back from their local office in the building. She is kind and vivacious lady from Illinois. It looks like the processing is moving along as expected. The appraiser will also visit the property this week and his report is the major milestone to complete the loan process. I also wrote to the tax accountant to ask her about capital gains tax. I told her that I may be able to sell my flat and she gave me some advise. It will be a welcome event if the flat gets sold because it will help in the expenses.
Finally, the government agency called me and requested I come to the office. I was dreading the call and was wishfully thinking that all is well. I guess it took them a week to investigate the situation and now they are ready to question me. I guess I will try to pretend ignorance and see what they are going to say. I will then try to explain my situation and my dire need to get the documents. I have uprooted my family and brought them over here to live and this will be the only obstacle. I guess they are within their rights to deny me and I think they will say so upfront to try to make me admit my guilt. My only hope is to pretend ignorance if they have all the facts.
I will only admit that it was a long time ago and that I have forgotten it already. Of course this explanation does not absolve me of the guilt. But I will explain that it was a long time ago and that I was a different person then and I am now a family man and deeply regret what has happened in the past. I will try to appeal to them and ask for another chance. I don't know if it will work or if it will ever get to this point. I am a different man now and I pray that their religious values will give them the compassion to give me another chance. My family and I have been preparing for the move for the past 6 months and it's sad that is will end this way if they will not give me another chance. I pray that God will give me the strength and the words to explain and persuade them while I hope the agency staff will also have the strength to forgive.
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