Sunday, September 30, 2007

Increase Productivity Via Voice Dictation

Last week at work was probably my most difficult. The boss man announced that I will not work for the project anymore but we met him the next day and he said he was looking forward to working with the team. Peter was very helpful and he joined the meeting with me. It was the first time I felt that someone was helping me. The project team and the process has been restructured and I felt that I been given a second chance to make the project succeed.

In an earlier time, I would have felt really bad but my maturity and improved perceptions have helped me from getting depressed. It is the same old story that I think too much but now my thinking is improving a bit. There are new plans on the table: presenting a speech at the PMI symposium and doing a training outside the company. All these events demand a lot of time and will see how to prioritize.

By the way this is the first time I am using ViaVoice by dictating this article and converting voice into text. It is a good way to improve productivity if the voice recognition software is working well. But it will take some time before the software can correctly recognized your voice.

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