Saturday, July 23, 2022

Foregerock Mess

I got dragged into a project that affected the apps in our domain. Company-wide move from one system to another is causing disruptions in a few systems. A fix was rushed last week but this did not seem to have fixed the issue. The workaround was to do a partial roll back by poting back to the old system so these apps can continue to work until a permanent fix is found.

This company-wide change and its impact on operations pulled a key resource from my project, a young Indian programmer - Arun - who is here for a few months. He hails from Bangalore India though he is initially from Hyderabad - a place known for its biryani. I had lunch with him and a young trainee in a restaurant in Woodruff known for its biryani. I miss this kind of lunch outing with young people for easy and spontaneous conversations.

Arun is also a key contributor to the French project which has been a challenge mainly because of the young team from India which takes more time to learn and ramp up. Sometimes it takes a long meeting to get things moving. A young graduate from Pune is learning the new system and I got resources to help mentor her on the tool she is using. She is keen to learn despite the challenges she faces and also the treatment of older Indian colleagues who denigrate her because she is female. Nevertheless, she has proven herself to be resilient with a good spunky attitude.

Next week the business project leader from France will be here for 4 days for onsite meetings. She is the second person from France who is coming locally to 'help' the local team in the project. I encouraged this type of interaction to get the French people to commit to themselves; to get skin in the game to ward our success locally; instead, of snipping from afar whenever our tasks are delayed. Nevertheless, it is always good to get people from France for socialising and team building.

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