I have made the transition from diarist to blogger. A diarist is sort of a lonely writer, prone perhaps to rants and uninhibited ramblings. Someone who has read too much and need an expressive outlet. Perhaps there is a tendency towards being neurotic with certain flights of fancy. The diarist does not write to please anyone but himself. Bloggers on the other hand, write to an audience (hopefully). So there exists some self-censorship and editorializing. So the blogger’s work is less personal than a diarist. I guess the grammar and diction also improves because there is an implicit understanding that his works are being read (hopefully).
A diarist on the other hand has no audience. Perhaps the diary is shown to close friends but that is all. A blog invites comments and feedback from everyone in the Internet. So one has an inclination to tone down his rhetoric to a level that is, at least, generally acceptable to a public audience. Both diarist and blogger on the other hand usually attempt some sort of self reflection or self analysis. Both attempt a sort of self expression and perhaps with literary aspirations. Both unfortunately are not avenues good enough to lay a foundation to be a successful writer. I guess it is just an urge to write and express oneself that is sated in whatever avenue is available.
Nevertheless, blogging is a more advanced outlet for writing than just writing a diary. As mentioned, there is self censorship (limits rants and neurotic ramblings), self editorializing (better grammar, spelling and diction) and a feedback loop (though meager) that may stimulate improvement. Also, there is better stimulation to write regularly because it provides an illusion of being a published writer. Perhaps it is this impression (perhaps self-deluding) of being a published writer that provides the best benefit by giving confidence to the would-be writer. The blogger can believe that he has an audience that is interested in what he has to say.
I had made this transition though still preserving some anonymity about three years ago. Blogging coincided with my experiences in Toastmaster and public speaking. So I guess this is some form of opening up into the world so to speak. I think both experiences have been beneficial and I recommend to most people who are in a similar path. Both experiences require one to express himself better with some feedback to improve. I guess this is some sort of dejected attempt to self develop a writer’s learning experience. Perhaps one did not have a public speaking career or a real writer’s career that both this avenues are substitutes for those who have started in a different career path.
Now is this enough? I guess it is the only way for some who do not have access to a writing path, like those famous writers who started as journalists. Perhaps it is an acceptable alternative for someone who had a few writing experience, who worked on post graduate degrees and work on projects or on a career path far from a true writer’s one. I guess making the transition from writing as therapy to writing as a skill or career is the true break here. I think making the move from being a diarist to a blogger will help achieve this psychological break from writing as therapy to being a true writer.
1 comment:
Juan, I've been reading your blog for a while now.
I would really like it if you put captions under the photos so I would know where they were taken.
Barbara aka Adoptionmsw
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