Sunday, October 9, 2022

Video Casting

I started my course on video storytelling in The Great Courses. I took the first 3 courses after my workday ended. I also have several other lessons on video casting in Udemy and MasterClass. The plan is to start a second career in this space; to be a content creator. There are several YouTube videos on the topic. This is the natural progression of courses in increasing productivity like Building a Second Brain.

It makes sense to move to this area as I have experience in blogging and uploading YouTube videos made from pictures. I studied AdSense, SEO, monetizing blogs, and other such topics for several years but the endeavor never took off. Most of the successful entrepreneurs in this space are young with a new life ahead of them. My goal is to have something to do after I retire; hopefully to generate income; the old fogey strikes back.

I bought an Apple Mac mini in an attempt to jump-start this plan. I also bought a Smartphone Gimbel as well as a new Pixel 6 with a dual camera.  What I lack in youth I compensate with experience as a project manager and extensive computer skills and the naivete of an amateur. Lessons on Building a Second Brain and other productivity topics have given me a spark of possibility that I lacked before; instead of ruminating in a never-ending thought cycle.

My new role as squad leader necessitated my quest for increasing productivity which is really an emotional challenge. Procrastination is all about managing one's emotions and trying new techniques such as interstitial journaling is a way to handle one feelings and be mindful at work. All this learning in productivity, including my daily meditation, had provided mental space to bring in these new thinking with the potential for achievement.

My work-life and personal goals merge into a single stream with the common elements of using new tools in Microsoft, Google, and personal knowledge apps like Notion and Obsidian. Interconnectivity and synchronized workspaces are the keys. Externalizing one's thoughts based on concepts like The Extended Mind, Building a Second Brain, and The Organized mind make this possible.

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