Thursday, July 23, 2020

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

I am officially afflicted with TDS that I can't seem to do any real work, constantly obsessing on the political situation, surfing the internet on the latest news. A recent newscast on the radio talked about 'doomsday' surfing where one is constantly looking at his phone in the early hours while still in bed. I am guilty of this habit as well. All these distractions have made me feel deranged including my constant conversation on this topic with my friends. Is it because the president has some special power that he weaves out into the country and entrapped people's attention.?

I have decided to write about this obsession and extinguish this illness by bringing it out into the open, letting go of these churning thoughts. It is the madness that he projects at least in my mind that angers me, to see the wrong that he expresses so blatantly that his behavior is now accepted that one is eighter in the left or in the right. Hence one now thinks he is deranged by not seeing what is real. The pandemic is adding to this surreal atmosphere as if Trump had laid out the virus to further his aims.

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